4 Quotes & Sayings By Ann Packer

Ann Packer was born in London and spent her formative years in the British Isles. She was educated in the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States. She has published more than a dozen books on psychology, including the best-selling "The High Sensitive Person," a book of essays on a challenging yet fascinating subject, and "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers," a memoir about overcoming depression. Her most recent book is "Boldly Going," a popular introduction to the field of positive psychology."

Meaning bad isn't the issue. Meaning you do what you do. Not without consequences for other people, of course, sometimes very grave ones. But it's not very helpful to regard your choices as a series of right or wrong moves. They don't define you as much as you define them Ann Packer
It paid barely a living wage, but he stayed with it–gradually and in the end gratefully arriving at the point in life when you understand there are no great changes ahead. Ann Packer
Such is the lot of the narcissist's child, to inherit her parent's umbrage over the world's indifference. Ann Packer